Key responsibilities of independent directors in India include:

  1. Governance Oversight: Independent directors oversee the governance structure of the company, ensuring that management operates in compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and ethical standards.

  2. Strategic Guidance: They provide strategic guidance and contribute to the formulation of the company's long-term plans and objectives.

  3. Risk Management: Independent directors assess and mitigate risks faced by the company, ensuring appropriate risk management practices are in place.

  4. Financial Oversight: They review financial reports, audit findings, and internal controls to ensure accuracy, transparency, and integrity in financial reporting.

  5. Stakeholder Protection: Independent directors protect the interests of various stakeholders, including shareholders, employees, customers, and the broader community.

  6. Conflict Resolution: They mediate conflicts of interest between different stakeholders and ensure that decisions are made in the best interest of the company as a whole.

  7. Board Committees: Independent directors often serve on various board committees such as audit committees, nomination and remuneration committees, and CSR committees to provide specialized oversight in these areas.